
There are some important changes taking place that may impact your travel to the USA in the near future.

In the United States, our roaming partners (AT&T and T-Mobile) are shutting down their 3G networks. AT&T has already done so, and T-Mobile will follow suit on 1 July 2022.

As a result, if you are roaming in the USA from 1 July 2022, your call quality may be lower and your data speeds may be slower.

The issue is an industry-wide one, since only AT&T and T-Mobile provide roaming on 3G that meets UK and European standards. Roaming will still be possible, but depending on your device, you may be limited to only 2G roaming.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused and we are working on a solution with our mobile network partners that will help mitigate the impact.

What does this mean for me?

As a mobile customer, the impact will vary based on your device.

For customers with 4G-capable devices, T-Mobile’s 2G network will be available for voice calls, and its 4G network will be available for data. AT&T’s 4G network should be accessible as well, for example when traveling through areas with limited or no T-Mobile coverage.

Users of 3G devices will have access to voice calls and data on T-Mobile’s 2G network. All customers, however, will have the ability to send texts (over T-Mobile’s 2G network).

If you are unsure whether your device is capable of 4G calling, please check with the manufacturer via their website, the paperwork that came with your phone, or speak with your account manager.

We recommend that you consult with your account manager before travelling.